Sapphire Street

Sapphire Street are an art/psych rock project with a habit of carving their own tasteful path straight through the boundaries of genre definition. Their music presents a wide range of influences—with inspirations drawn from classic rock, pop, jazz and alternative music from all eras—making their style a unique force to be reckoned with. With a background of playing together in various bands and musical scenarios, the core songwriting duo is made up by high-school buddies George Inglis (vocals, guitar) and Luca Soprano (drums).
Together they keep a strong hold on every stage of the creative process from writing, producing and engineering down to the art and imagery, Sapphire Street are a group set on testing their own possibilities of musical creation. The resulting sound is characterised by their signature blend of intricate hooks and psychedelic tones, yet is ever evolving as they continue to experiment and create from George’s home studio in Melbourne, Australia.
Set up
4-piece band
drums, bass, 2x guitars, synthesizer, and vocals
Contact details
George Inglis