St Kilda Live Music Precinct
Discover the history of St Kilda
Live Music Venue Map
Created by Fred Negro
Cartoonist, performer and frontman of I Spit On Your Gravy, Fred Negro, has created a new drawing showing the current live music venues and the history of St Kilda's live music and the people who shaped it.

Live music, managed better
The Live Music Precinct Policy
In 2021, Council endorsed the Live Music Action Plan which recommended the development of a live music precinct. As a celebrated home of live music, St Kilda was selected as the prime location for a precinct.
In consultation with the community we developed a St Kilda Live Music Precinct Policy, which outlined how the St Kilda Live Music Precinct would support residents, musicians, venues and visitors, while boosting the local music scene.
Community feedback about the establishment of a precinct in St Kilda was overwhelmingly positive.
The draft policy was officially presented to Council and endorsed on Wednesday 21 June 2023.
At 11 am Friday 23 June 2023, the St Kilda Live Music Precinct was officially declared.

Celebrating live music in St Kilda – then, now, always
The St Kilda Live Music Precinct
City of Port Phillip’s declaration of a St Kilda Live Music Precinct was a historical decision.
The St Kilda Live Music Precinct is the first of its kind in Victoria and is a strong first step in re-enforcing St Kilda as a leader of live music locally and across the globe.
Through the St Kilda Live Music Precinct we expect to:
- protect and enrich the live music scene in St Kilda
- offer additional support to venues, musicians, residents and visitors
- attract more musicians and music providers
- activate more vacant shopfronts and spaces
- increase promotion of upcoming performances and events
- simplify permit and feedback processes
- improve safety and venue governance
- boost the local economy and tourism industry.
The Precinct will mean different things to different people, but it will ensure a more vibrant and livelier city for all to enjoy.
The implementation of the St Kilda Live Music Precinct is in the initial stage; there’ll be many more opportunities for community consultation to come.
Explore St Kilda’s live music scene
The St Kilda Live Music Precinct map
St Kilda is home to almost 70 per cent of live music venues in Port Phillip, making it the prime location for the new precinct.
Many of St Kilda’s iconic music venues fall within the boundary of the new St Kilda Live Music Precinct area and are just waiting to be explored and enjoyed.

Activities and events
If you hear the music calling, then head to St Kilda
We have some fun, music-related events and activities planned in St Kilda as part of celebrating the launch of Victoria’s first live music precinct. We recommend checking them out and checking back here regularly so you don’t miss a thing.
What’s next?

Turning up the feedback dial
Feedback during a live gig can be bad, but not the kind that comes from our community! That’s why we have more opportunities for community consultation planned for this project.
The third stage of consultation will seek feedback on any proposed planning scheme amendments to the policy and to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.
Consultation dates for the third stage are yet to be announced.

Getting to work
We will also be working hard on activating venues and events within the precinct area and creating and supporting a vibrant music scene that the whole of St Kilda can be proud of. This will include:
- formulating and implementing support systems and resources
- creating and funding more opportunities for live music
- collaborating on and promoting more live music
- innovating the way that we provide music.
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